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Recent updates

Significant update and changes
Due to personal reason the art for this game is now being handled by myself. I am balancing work for both games I'm working on. Stay tuned for more updates...
Development Slowdown
Due to personal reasons, A Tale of Two Flowers will slow down development. The game is still being worked on, but it will take more time than expected before it...
Potential delay
While they are delays due to personal stuff. I can promise the game Is still getting active updates. Play testing is going good and no bugs have been encountere...
Learning how long the game will be
right now I'm doing general playtesting. The game should be about 2 hours in length. stay tuned for more updates...
Update related to steam and state of game
I Thank anyone for keeping an eye on this. I am working with a team of two others. An artist and, a proofreader. I also have a full-time job. So I don't always...
General consensus
I'm doing editing/etc currently while the rest of the game's art is finished. Once the art is finished. I plan to give out three beta keys on Steam. This will b...
My first Visual Novel
My page for my first game is up. It will also be put on steam. I will update when the steam page is up. Currently still in active development...
Just one day and, I will be revealing the title and cover of My Visual Novel. I hope it's been worth the wait. will reveal more tomorrow...

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